Not a spec­i­men as such, but I know Toshi and the care and at­ten­tion he puts into the de­sign of his type­faces. Codelia is no ex­cep­tion. Beautifully de­signed for a dif­fi­cult work en­vi­ron­ment, it’s sen­si­tive to the needs of pro­gram­mers who sit all day…

Lorem ip­sum do­lor sit amet, con­secte­tur adip­isc­ing elit. Nulla eu­is­mod sed ante vel tin­cidunt. Etiam et vo­lut­pat fe­lis. Morbi a fau­cibus diam, im­perdiet tem­por ip­sum. Nam el­e­men­tum ali­quet male­suada. Aenean magna libero, vestibu­lum in nunc ac, el­e­men­tum…

If you ig­nore the strange spin­ning wheel in the top cor­ner, this is a well put to­gether spec­i­men. Striking colour­ways un­der­pin some solid, us­able com­po­nents. The fea­ture il­lus­tra­tions are par­tic­u­larly good.

Some in­ter­est­ing things can be done with colour fonts. Bixa was orig­i­nally de­signed as wood type for let­ter­press, and is now trans­formed into a mul­ti­color font for web. The spec­i­men suf­fers slightly in the same way spec­i­mens for vari­able fonts do: they…

This is re­ally, re­ally in­ter­est­ing from Positype. The un­usual, but sim­ple, in­ter­ac­tion de­sign of mir­rored scrolling lend it­self per­fectly to this high con­trast fash­ion­ista type de­sign. Just enough con­tent to whet the ap­petite pre­sented in a cool way. Take…

Now this is cool. Instead of just show­ing a bunch of let­ters, type testers, and fea­tures like all spec­i­mens do, why not take three short sto­ries and type­set them to show off the real-world ca­pa­bil­i­ties of the web font. Perfect.

Faction is a new dis­play type­face de­signed by Shiva Nallaperumal and pub­lished by Lost Type.

Studio Feixen Fonts is a type foundry founded by the Swiss de­sign stu­dio Studio Feixen.

Codelia Font: No mat­ter if you’re pro­fes­sional or be­gin­ner, your work should be fun. And if you are a coder/​pro­gram­mer, your cod­ing font should be somet…

It’s a dark, damp Friday af­ter­noon at Talbot Primary School. Honestly, I’m just dy­ing to get home and have a cup of tea in front of the fire, but tonight is Movie Club night so I’m not go­ing any­where for a while. Things could be worse though. Aside from…