MD Nichrome is a display typeface based on the typography of paperback science fiction from the 70s and early 80s.

Not a specimen as such, but I know Toshi and the care and attention he puts into the design of his typefaces. Codelia is no exception. Beautifully designed for a difficult work environment, it's sensitive to the needs of programmers who sit all day...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla euismod sed ante vel tincidunt. Etiam et volutpat felis. Morbi a faucibus diam, imperdiet tempor ipsum. Nam elementum aliquet malesuada. Aenean magna libero, vestibulum in nunc ac, elementum...

If you ignore the strange spinning wheel in the top corner, this is a well put together specimen. Striking colourways underpin some solid, usable components. The feature illustrations are particularly good.

Some interesting things can be done with colour fonts. Bixa was originally designed as wood type for letterpress, and is now transformed into a multicolor font for web. The specimen suffers slightly in the same way specimens for variable fonts do: they...